New media resources to deepen the life of faith
Recently some members and associates have mentioned that a short section highlighting good resources helpful for ongoing faith formation would be of benefit to many readers. To this end, a brief list of helpful resources, both print and online, will be provided each edition. If readers have suggestions for a helpful resource the title with a brief description can be emailed to the Editor (
Annus Fidei
The official website for the Year of Faith ( not only provides information on how the Holy See is marking the Year of Faith but also re-presents major sources of teaching (the Cathechism, its Compendium, the Documents of the Second Vatican Council) and Pope Emeritus Benedict’s Catecheses (Apostles, Church Fathers, Medieval theologians, and women of faith). It also provides a wealth of suggestions to practically mark the Year of Faith and information on the Plenary Indulgence associated with this year. If you are not sure how to make the most of the Year of Faith this website will be very helpful.
Parousia Media
Parousia Media ( produces high quality CD & DVD resources on the Catholic Faith and is an agent for Lighthouse Catholic Media, which has excellent speakers such as Scott Hahn, Jason Evert and Fr Benedict Groeschel. Resources can be purchased through the website, including direct downloads, or they can be contacted within Australia on (02) 9655 1843.
Rome Reports
Rome Reports ( is an independent international TV news agency based in Rome, Italy, specialising in covering the Pope and the Vatican. The agency instantly offers the latest news from Rome as well as a weekly programme, “The World Seen From The Vatican.”